Monday 9 January 2012

One of the most wonderful and nutritious fruits is the Dragon Fruit, otherwise known as Pitaya Fruit or Pitahaya Fruit. The dragon fruit nutrient profile is loaded with fiber and vitamin C, as well as other important nutrients, but dried dragon fruit (or fresh dragon fruit) is not something you should expect to see in every gourmet fruit basket you may find, but it's well worth looking for pitahaya fruit if you travel abroad outside the United States where it's often common enough that no one might even call it a gourmet fruit (inside the US Dragon Fruit is less commonly available). Remember to look for the same named instead as pitaya fruit or pitahaya fruit as you travel!
Eating dried dragon fruit or fresh dragon fruit is one of the most wonderful ways to stay healthy. Look at your local markets for the same named instead as dried pitaya fruit or also sold as fresh pitaya fruit at your local organic produce market. Trader Joe's dried dragon fruit is often available at the Trader Joe's market chain. If Trader Joe's dragon fruit is out of stock of the dried pitaya fruit, ask them to order the dried fruit for you - remember the fruit may be called pitahaya fruit by some, but it is the same fruit. As an extra health bonus, both the pitaya dried fruit and fresh pitahaya fruit for many Diabetics can help with diabetes blood glucose control. The dried pitaya fruit usually packs about 10x the punch of the fresh pitaya fruit and has a wonderful chewy texture. The fresh dragon fruit is creamy and soft in comparison to the dried fruit. Mix dried pitaya fruit into your salads for a mild tasting chewy textured healthy nibble.

Did you know that it's juice is so packed with antioxidants for optimal health, that it…
  • may help significantly in reducing the symptoms of arthritis?
  • is proven to boost fertility, increase your immunity against diseases like swine flu, and prevent many types of cancer?
In fact the fruit and juice is recognized to be a key to preventing the horrible terminal diseases that have yet to be eliminated like leukemia, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.
Bet you didn't know these amazing facts about it's fruit and juice!
Scientists and researchers are fascinated with this incredibly healthy and beneficial fruit! There is ongoing research into how this softball sized fruit can be used to it’s greatest potential to prevent heart disease, lower high blood pressure, and much more!
Guess what else?
  • The fruit and juice are bursting with the most powerful antioxidants of any other fruit or juice!
  • The fruit and juice could lower your high blood pressure and cholesterol levels!
  • This fruit is safe and healthy for your heart!
  • The fruit and its juice may prevent a stroke!
  • It shines light into the darkness of Alzheimer’s disease!
  • It's natural sugars could also be something sweet and safe for diabetics!
  • It may help in the area of hot flashes, menopause and bone loss!
  • This juice is even important for strong teeth!
  • You can easily make delicious fresh-squeezed juice in your own kitchen!
  • The fruit and juice are delicious additions to all your recipes!
You’ll want to know more about how you can benefit from them when you find out the facts!
Did you know that they…
  • are one of the only fruits that may keep your skin looking young and wrinkle free if you eat them regularly?
Who doesn’t want to look younger and enjoy smooth beautiful skin, especially in the golden years? Everyone will think you’re ten years younger than you really are and you won’t have to worry about resorting to unsafe products for your skin.
Here is another juicy tidbit for you. Did you know that pomegranates....
  • are delicious, tangy, and light up your taste buds when you eat them?
  • have an unmistakably perfumed and yummy taste?
Durian Fusion is a whole fruit puree juice and extract with a creamy almond flavor.
Known as the "King of Fruits", it is loaded with phytonutrients, provides energy,
is an 
antioxidant supplement and has a high amount of protein. The durian fruit (Durio zibethinus) is found in Southeast Asia and Hawaii and provides durian fruit
nutrition in nutritious and delicious, 
meal replacement drinks. 
Durian Fusion is the first-ever premium whole-fruit herbal nutritional productssupplement made from the Durian fruit. It offers a wide array of natural vitamins and minerals powder and phytonutrients to lift your spirit and to energize your life.
Neways scientists spent three years perfecting the Durian Fusion formula, which provides
you with durian fruit extract and puree, synergistically fused with the juices of papaya, mango, lychee, longan and pear fruit.

Rambutans are grown in Thailand as well as Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Australia. Most rambutans are red, but in Malaysia a smaller, yellow rambutan can also be found. Rambutans grow in clusters on evergreen trees, and are hairy-looking exotic wonders!
Buying Tips: Rambutans can be purchased in North America at Asian markets and Asian/Chinese food stores - look for them in the produce section. When buying rambutans, look for bright red skin. A little orange or yellow on the skins in addition to red is okay, but green skins mean the rambutans are unripe. Don't buy rambutans that have turned black or have a lot of black "hairs", as this indicates they are over-ripe.
Health Benefits: Rambutans are high in vitamin C, plus copper, manganese, and trace elements of many other nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and iron.